Kitab Silahul Mukmin

Kitab Silahul Mukmin v1.0 APK (أموال غير محدودة)

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Kitab Silahul Mukmin Mod App تفاصيل

Book Silahul Believer A hadith of the Prophet Saw. reveal:

لِكـُلِّ دَاءٍِ دَوَاءٌُ
رواه مسلم

it Means: “for Every disease there is a cure.” (HR. Muslim).

the Word of God:

ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ َ

it Means: “Ask (pray) to Me, will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan for you. (QS.Al-Mukmin:60).
Finally only to the Lord God Almighty, we apply the that application this gives benefit for the readers of the gentleman who was interested in practicing it. And God already meridloinya. Amen.

his app is very light and can read in the OFFLINE or without an Internet connection..

Hopefully Helpful...

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